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Allissa Carole

Full-time fangirl. Lover of swoon-worthy boys and bad-ass protagonists. Collector of books. Avid bookshelf reorganizer. Booktuber admirer. Proud booklion.
Lover of YA
Lover of YA

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I have never been much of a "blogger" type.  I love reading blogs and I am on Tumblr.  I just never know what to talk about in my blog post, but there's a first time for everything.  So I am giving this Blogger thing a shot!!






The Titan's Curse - Rick Riordan First read on December 12, 2011. 5 STARS!Reread for the first time since 2011 on September 21, 2013STILL 5 STARS. I love love love love LOVE everything about Rick Riordan's writing, his wit and humor, and I'm completely in love with Percy.... he's fifteen, but whatever.
Origin - Jennifer L. Armentrout THAT ENDING.

The Vincent Boys

The Vincent Boys  - Abbi Glines yeah.. so.. kinda swooning over Beau.
Just One Day - Gayle Forman 4.5 stars.What the shit was up with that ending! OMG. I NEED BOOK 2!I loved how the romance wasn't necessarily the only focus in this book. There's so much about being yourself, and staying true to who you are and what to be. I liked Allyson a lot, really didn't like her mother though. I enjoyed Willem, can't wait to read from his perspective.
Things I Can't Forget - Miranda Kenneally I had a hard time enjoying this one... The religious aspects of this book were honestly really annoying. I'm usually fine with books that have religion as one of the themes, but this was just over-kill. Way too much for my little atheist self to enjoy. As a whole, I did enjoy the idea of Kate's faith, and her struggles with God and love. I just wish it had taken over the story a little less. I enjoyed Matt, but I definitely like Sam and Will better in the first two books.
Stealing Parker - Miranda Kenneally I was basically swooning over "Corn Fritter" the whole way through.
The Sea of Monsters  - Rick Riordan first read in December 2011, reread before the movie comes out... TODAY!!was just as amazing the second time around!


Boundless - Cynthia Hand 3.9 stars.I really like the ending, she ended up with who I would have chosen for myself. As a whole this series is definitely not one of my favorites, but I am happy that I finally read it. I enjoyed it, and will for sure check out anything else Cynthia Hand writes.
Jellicoe Road - Melina Marchetta This took me a little while to get into, the beginning was a little weird for me.. but as a whole, it's a very beautiful story.
Unearthly - Cynthia Hand I'd give this 3.5 stars. There definitely wasn't enough action, or even story line to begin with. I liked the two male characters, although they were fairly typical romantic interests. I'm not so into Clara. Hopefully by the end of the trilogy she'll be a better protagonist!I'm just hoping for more in general from this series! It was lacking a little too much of everything for me to really get excited and pumped about the rest of the series, but I'm still definitely going to pick them up and see how Clara, Christian and Tucker's story turns out. I'm very curious, although I think it'll be fairly typical as far as who she ends up with in the end.P.S TEAM TUCKER. that's all I've got to say on the matter. Tucker Avery.

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series #1)

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series #1) - UPDATED REVIEW JULY 12, 2013So, this is just as amazing the second time around. Still witty, sassy and adventurous. I love it. It's just want I needed, now I feel like blazing through the last few books I purchased recently. I can't wait to reread Sea Of Monsters!For some reason this wasn't in my "Read" shelf, I read this for the first time back in December 2011.Rereading the series since The Sea of Monsters movie is coming out next month. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this one isn't as much of a shit show as the last movie!! Mr. Riordan still gets me cracking up with his sassy and witty characters. I LOVE PERCY. He is definitely one of my all time favorite male protagonists... well actually, just one of my favorites in general, male or otherwise.
Eleanor & Park - Rainbow Rowell that ending, seriously??? RIGHT IN THE FEELS.I'd give this a 4.5ish. It was beautiful and real and sweet. I love the characters so much. They felt real to me. They weren't some "awkward and weird but secretly beautiful types", which is what most characters are like nowadays. They are far from perfect, they don't meet the typical standards for beauty, they're different. I loved it.I want a love like theirs. It's sweet and tender and timid, but it's true.
The Moon and More - Sarah Dessen not exactly a 4 star, not exactly a 3 star.. This was a good book, but by Sarah Dessen standards I found it a little dull and boring sometimes. I'm sorta torn up about my feelings for this one.. some parts I LOVED, others I found somewhat dragged and uninteresting. I found myself skimming the pages a few times, just to get to something good.
Lola and the Boy Next Door - Stephanie Perkins First read March 3, 2012April 30, 2013Reread for the first time, I've been in a slump and I just wanted to read something that I knew I would love to read. Hence the Stephanie Perkins rereads.GAH, I need a Cricket Bell in my life! :)And I need Isla and the Happily Ever After right now! September is so far away!
Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins First read January 11th, 2012April 28th 2013I picked this up last night for the second time, just to read for a few minutes before bed. I ended reading it right to the end. Typical. It is such an amazing contemporary romance book. What girl doesn't want to go to boarding school in PARIS and meet a charming English/American guy?? The setting really draws you in, but it's the characters that really keep you interested. Especially Étienne St-Clair. He's swoon worthy. I wish there would have been more French in the book as well. It's my first language, so it would have been fun to see Étienne speak some beautiful french. ANYWAYS, all I can say is that Stephanie Perkins knows how to draw you in, and keep you interested right until the very last page. Amazing books.I stand by my first rating. 5 stars! Definitely one of my favorite YA contemporary reads.Now to reread Lola and the Boy Next Door :)