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Allissa Carole

Full-time fangirl. Lover of swoon-worthy boys and bad-ass protagonists. Collector of books. Avid bookshelf reorganizer. Booktuber admirer. Proud booklion.

Pandemonium (Delirium Series #2)

Pandemonium (Delirium Series #2) - First read on March 2nd 2012possible **SPOILERSOMG, just finished reading this for the second time.. that ending, gets me every time!!Can't wait for Requiem, just one more week. I can honestly say I am not on any "Team". I love both Alex and Julian so much that it is driving me crazy trying to guess who Lena will pick in the end. The only thing I'm not excited about it that Hana will be sharing POV chapters with Lena.. I just wanted Lena, and maybe Alex.
The Indigo Spell - Richelle Mead Richelle Mead is a BOSS.I'm completely in love with this world of Vampires. Adrian is one of the most swoon worthy male leads I have ever read. I'm seriously in love/obsessed. All I have to say about this book, without spoiling anything for you is: Swoon, SWOON, kick ass and THAT ENDING. OMG. I CAN'T IMAGINE A YEAR OF WAITING FOR THE NEXT ONE!that is all. NOW READ THIS, don't make me use my compulsion.JUST KIDDING... but no, really. Read. Now.
Delirium  - Lauren Oliver first read this in February 2011, gave it 5 Stars then. Now I will reread it for the first time since then because the third and final book in the trilogy is coming out in 1 month. GAH! Fangirling over here.Goodreads really needs to add a "re-reading" option. Seriously Goodreads, get on that!*********************************February 2013Still just as amazing as two years ago. I have so many Alex feels right now. I can't even. Now on to rereading Pandemonium! :)
The Probability of Miracles - Wendy Wunder Read this book. It was cute, witty, charming, bittersweet and above all.. it was beautiful.I'm just going to go crying in a corner for a few hours..... don't mind me.but seriously, you need to read this. It was perfect.
The Hobbit: Or There and Back Again - J.R.R. Tolkien 3.5ish. This was a great novel, but the action and adventure wasn't as exciting as I wish it would have been. The writing and story telling vibe were what really made me enjoy this. Can't wait to read Frodos adventures since I'm a huge fan of the films.
The Lost Prince - Julie Kagawa 3.5 ishLiked it a lot, but not as much as the original three. Although Ethan is a great protagonist, and I love Kenzie.I just wish it was all about PUCK! :) can't get enough of him.
The Last Little Blue Envelope - Maureen Johnson the ending was cute, but too abrupt for me. I would have like more about Oliver as well. I really really liked him, so much more than I liked Keith in the first book.quick and easy read... not that much to it, but still good.
Last Sacrifice - Richelle Mead I started crying after finishing this book... which was about 10 minutes ago.. still teary-eyed. I don't think there is anyway that that ending could have been any more perfect. Everything fell into place. GAH, I can't believe I put off reading this series for so long. I've had Vampire Academy for a few years, but was kinda put off by the Vampire aspect.. Now it's one of my favorite series ever. I will definitely read anything else Richelle Mead ever writes, starting with her series about Sydney, Adrian, Jill..etc Read this. Don't hesitate like I did. You'll only want to kick yourself in the ass afterwards. This was simply amazing. The first three were very good, the fourth a little slow... and the fifth and sixth were amazing!
Shadow Kiss - Richelle Mead I can't even. Seriously.Too many feels, too many heartbroken, life shattering FEELS.I can't even begin to explain how much I am absolutely in love with this series!let's leave it at: READ THIS BOOK. It will make you happy, and in love.... then rip out your beating heart :)haha LOVED every word of it.I'm going to go start the next one now.
The Rise of Nine - Pittacus Lore GAH, SO MUCH ACTION. SO MUCH BADASSNESS!pretty sure this was my favorite out of the series so far. It was basically ACTION, ACTION, ACTION, THE END.It didn't stop the action for more than a chapter, MAYBE, here and there. I enjoyed this so much. It was exactly what I needed! The ONLY thing I kinda didn't like was how abrupt the ending was. AND ALSO....SPOILERS*********I really don't like Sarah. The fact that her and John are "back together" is so annoying. I want him to be with Six. Honestly, they were perfect together...... although I really like Six and Sam...Speaking of Sam, WHERE IS HE! They need to save his ass, pronto!Anyways, I enjoyed this thoroughly! Cannot wait for the fourth book.
The Uprising - Lisa M. Stasse wasn't too happy with the first.. but still going to give this one a shot once it comes out :) maybe it just wasn't the right book for me at the time.
The Forsaken - Lisa M. Stasse I'm so confused by this... it's not what I expected whatsoever.The world building was lacking, although I could see the potential. It would have been amazing to learn about about the UNA and the Island. I like being able to picture it in my head perfectly.Don't get me started on Alenna. I didn't like her as a protagonist. She was a little boring for me. Maybe if her love interest had been a little more interesting it would made her less annoying for me. Sadly, Liam was so blah. Their insta-love relationship was so BAM. They talk once and all of a sudden they love each other. WTF? Anyways, I'm so sad... because I can see this having been an amazing story. Unfortunately it wasn't for me, personally.
Frostbite - Richelle Mead I retract my last statement. As much as I am still somewhat passed the Vampire trend.. I was pleasantly surprised. The first half was a little MEH for me, but it picked up after that. I actually really liked this! I'm really excited to go out and buy the next 4 books in the series.I love Rose. She's badass!oh and don't forget Dimitri.... YUMM-YYY
Cinder - Marissa Meyer I'm really disappointed.. I expected more from this, especially after reading the reviews.This was insanely predictable. I new the ending after 1/4 of the book.. I'll still be reading the sequel to see what happens with Cinder and Kai... but I'm not really excited about it...GAH, so much potential if it weren't for the Cinderella story line.
Masque of the Red Death - Bethany Griffin more like 4.9999999999999 :) It was amazing, but I wish it had been a little longer. Also, I wish we would have found out more about the time when the plague started, and how the masks work and such.but Elliot, seriously. Yummy. Team Elliot!
The Mark of Athena - Rick Riordan WORST. CLIFFHANGER. EVER.seriously though, that was a badass cliffhanger. I'm freaking out. NOW I HAVE TO WAIT A WHOLE YEAR! Dying inside!